Thursday, July 9, 2015

Enable email login in WSO2 carbon products

To enable email address the below steps can be followed in any carbon product.

1. EnableEmailUserName in carbon.xml


2. Then provide the correct regex to allow email address in user store configuration in user-mgt.xml for JDBC user store

    <Property name="UsernameJavaRegEx">[a-
3. Create admin user with email address in user in user-mgt.xml.

By the above configurations, it will enable email address.

If you want to give the both support, email address and username, you can include the below property in user store configuration.

4.  <Property name="
To know how to do this for a LDAP, refer this well explained blog post [1] done for Identity server which is applicable for other carbon products as well. This document also explains the properties [2]

1 comment:

  1. That is a very good post . Exactly ,the requirement, i am having currently . i have posted my question in stackoverflow ( ) . I need to login using both username and email . login using username is working, but login using email is not working. Could you please suggest me how to resolve the issue ? I am using JDBC and not LDAP .
